Tuesday, February 20, 2007

White Sky, Purity Be She

As I lay there,
And gaze into the white sky,
Mind adrift,
Soul intact.

What be her condition,
Safe and fulfilled?

I hope.. I yearn..

To see is to reach the point of ecstasy,
To touch.. heaven.

I think of thee my love,
And my thoughts overpower me,
Yet full of life.

I toil on the circumference of love,
I fall helpless at its foot.

White sky,
Purity be She..
My dear Lady.


h said...

wow- wish i could write like that, kewl blog

Hasina Suliman said...

lovely :)

qdee said...


Anonymous said...

"Every artist was first an amateur"

U know exactly what thats aimed at Mak:) Masha'Allah u have true talent. Im speechless. Truly inspirational :)

Cant wait to read more

Anonymous said...

"Every artist was first an amateur"

U know exactly what thats aimed at Mak:) Masha'Allah u have true talent. Im speechless. Truly inspirational :)

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...


evocative imagery.

S said...

I love white white white.