Here's a thought.. Can one define time itself? Truly, What is the definition of time?
Remember one cannot define something utilizing the word itself.
This is what oxford defines time as..
" [U] what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.: The changing seasons mark the passing of time. A visit to the museum will take you back in time to the 1930s. time and space As time went by we saw less and less of each other. Perceptions change over time (= as time passes). They say that time heals all wounds.—see also Father Time"
It defines time as measured by units of x or y and the examples do present an insight into its usage as a word but, it doesn’t offer a definition of time within it’s own capacity as something that exists.
Remember one cannot define something utilizing the word itself.
This is what oxford defines time as..
" [U] what is measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.: The changing seasons mark the passing of time. A visit to the museum will take you back in time to the 1930s. time and space As time went by we saw less and less of each other. Perceptions change over time (= as time passes). They say that time heals all wounds.—see also Father Time"
It defines time as measured by units of x or y and the examples do present an insight into its usage as a word but, it doesn’t offer a definition of time within it’s own capacity as something that exists.
Post me your definition..
Time and tide await none eh? The powerful tide of time overpowers everything, Kingdoms fall, evil dies, relationships change, seasons wither, the new sun rises.
LoL Am I not in a really poetic mood today ( I think you're inspiring me Mak) I guess its just that the concept and power of time always moves me.
"Bad news is Time flies.... Good news is you're the pilot " Make the best of every moment n live your time to the best of ur ability :)
U made me think again :) COngrats Makky ;)
But yeah theres my definition n stuff ;)
Dimension T
Long debated to its own loss and detriment! Time drips by like hot wax off a candle and the only way to claim some of it as your own is to truly Live! To make the most of every moment of every day and most of all.. to remember to say Thanks to the Divine Creator who moves the Hands of Time at His Will :)
Time is Worthy if its Valued:)
Keep Breathing/ Slms
Human beings are like flawed time pieces, ever changing in reality to fit roles that conform to the journey through life.
nice post
The sand in the hourglass is in constant motion. Time is the most powerful constant that consumes everything and everyone, it obeys no one. It is the unstoppable, it is the inevitable...
sometimes you need the actual word in the definition - for example - if i was to define what an orange is, i would need to use the word orange in the definition, because oranges are orange because they are oranges ( a situation where the fruit actually gave the colour the name)
but with regards to time
it is something relevant to life. a pause, a moment, a life, an epoch, it is not tangible, neither can it be felt, it can only be lived
its 8:15am :)
time is a man made concept, a recording device, recording the distance between yesterday and today, today and tomorrow. Or at least that is how it was explained to me in my history class. Time is slave driver of humanity. Interesting concept. Requires way too much weed to get into now.
Love To All...
time is defined as the direction in which entropy increases.
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