Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tummy Ache (Feel It In Thy Heart and Soul)

Looking into the ocean, as wave after wave, crashes against the shore, and retreats, almost to fetch another and return. The soft foams of the dying waves slowly disappear. He sat and watched every second, probing into every element, like the days that have passed. He saw the waves come and go as the days of his life till that moment had, and the little shimmer of hope that each day brought, disappear like the foam. Striving to push on, and live further, and to ultimately survive he gulped hard and blinked away the tears that began to settle on his eyes. Thrusting hard onto his stomach to ease the pain and subdue his hunger. It was almost an attempt to silent the groan that stemmed from the emptiness of his tummy...


Anonymous said...

It is often the little strange things in life`s well wherein we draw inspiration from. Truly, you are one of my inspirations.


Hasina Suliman said...

i like how the full imagery fades into emptiness... (of the tummy)

nice extract:)

Anonymous said...

Language is the close-fitting dress of Thought

The langauge you speak is adorned with jewels :)


Anonymous said...

What's Happening im fresh here, I came upon this forum I have found It vastly accessible and it's helped me out a great deal. I should be able to give something back & help other people like it has helped me.

Thanks, See You Around